Browsing Archive: January, 2012

Thou Shalt Commit Adultery

Posted by Erich Shelton on Monday, January 16, 2012, In : Humour 
Bob Barker, a.k.a. Robert Barker to those who are not so close to him, was a printer to James the first of England and printer to Queen Elizabeth the first. He was in fact, the printer of the King James Bible, the only version that some say assure your eternal salvation. However, Mr. Barker either had a sense of humor or a mistress on the side and released another version which were eventually confiscated and burned. Only 11 of these remain in print somewhere today. It has been labelled by so...
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Just My Type—Book Review

Posted by Erich Shelton on Thursday, January 12, 2012, In : Inspiration 

I accidentally ran across this book when I was supposed to be doing Christmas shopping and fell in love with it. I wanted to share it with you all, as it is not only entertaining but educational as well. The author mixes a lot of good ol' British humour with interesting stories and tidbits of gossip relating to type and provides an engaging voice on a topic (of course) close to my heart.

So…what does your favorite font say about you? Fonts surround us every day, on street signs and buildi...
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Trajan is the Movie Font

Posted by Erich Shelton on Wednesday, January 11, 2012, In : Humour 

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Me, Who Else?

Erich Shelton I am a retired adjunct professor from the University of Southern Indiana, located in Evansville. My favourite subjects to teach are obviously ‘Typography’ as well as ‘Graphic Design History’, 'Senior Seminar' and ‘Computer Illustration.’